The walls that launched our company into the spotlight, our exclusive three-layer ARC system exhibits beautiful, aesthetic curves, sweeping lines, cathedral-like impact and the incredible durability that Vertical Solutions is known for. This style of wall design will separate you from the competition, and have your customers anxious to send new routes as soon as they go up. ARC walls represent the future of climbing gym design but our expertise is due to our 10 year history delivering stunning examples. Event within that 10 years, every design is one-of-a-kind, so head over to our gallery to see what is possible.
At The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City, they opted to create this perfect mixture of indoor/outdoor vibe and used elaborate hardwood features throughout the indoor climbing area. This is the foundation of the concept behind this facility, and the unwavering craftsmanship within is something that needs to be seen to be believed.
A new concept by Brooklyn Boulders, BKBX is an Adventure Training Center where patrons find fitness classes utilizing innovative technology. With an extensive climbing area and state-of-art recovery room, members build upon their current abilities as they prepare for their outdoor adventures. BKBX chose to use ARC walls for their bouldering area, incorporating the same custom black paint used throughout the facility.
An interesting ARC rock climbing wall feature designed into the University of Oregon’s climbing wall was this 20’ tall ledge that bought a new dimension to their indoor climbing program.
Massive curved ARC bouldering walls are a key feature of Brooklyn Boulders Somerville, MA location, towering up to 22’ in overall height in most areas.
An easy way to refresh your gym is to build new structures from curved ARC walls, as seen here with Brooklyn Boulders OG facility in Brooklyn. After a 3D laser scan was taken of this space, an ARC wall island was custom designed to match the interior structure.
A great view of the ARC bouldering walls at Ground Up Climbing Centre in Squamish, BC that seamlessly transitions from upright to a deep cave for all levels of climbing experience.
An overview of the ARC rock climbing walls at The BLOC in Tucson, AZ, and how uniform and organic they look in person while still having visual separations and transitions for varying climbing terrain.
When you go with a custom designed ARC wall system for your gym, you immediately set your gym apart from the competition using traditional geometric wall systems. Our curved ARC walls can be the perfect backdrop for a community event, just like this one at Brooklyn Boulders, Chicago.
It’s hard to top this super deep ARC wall bouldering cave at Brooklyn Boulders Queensbridge location. This facility had challenging interior volume, and required non-traditional design solutions.
Brooklyn Boulders Chicago climbing gym has elaborate usage of ARC climbing walls from Vertical Solutions for both roped climbing and bouldering.
The rope climbing walls at Brooklyn Boulders in Chicago feature long floor-to-ceiling routes for more intermediate and expert climbers and a shorter mezzanine with more beginner routes.
Another view of Brooklyn Boulders Chicago location and their phenomenal ARC wall designs for both route climbing and bouldering, with custom finishes and colors.
The BLOC in Tucson, AZ makes great use of Vertical Solutions iconic curved ARC climbing walls. Seen here with custom stains and paints to break up the island visually from the main bouldering wall.
Creating bouldering caves with Vertical Solutions' highly aesthetic curved ARC walls not only looks more visually interesting than its geometric counterpart, but also provides more opportunity for challenging moves for climbers. The BLOC in Tucson, AZ is a great example of this.
Curved ARC walls like the ones seen here at The BLOC in Tucson, AZ provide a more aesthetic alternative to geometric wall designs, while still maintaining all of the functionality for setting with volumes and challenging routes that keep your gym fresh.
Seen here is part of the bouldering wall design for The BLOC in Tucson, AZ, which blends an island and main bouldering wall to create a vast bouldering cave for their climbers.
An overview of just one of Brooklyn Boulders main lead climbing walls at their Somerville, MA location, showing how flowy and smooth climbing on ARC walls can be.
Although not immediately apparent, these are actually curved ARC walls that we built for Brooklyn Boulders in their OG facility in Brooklyn, to replace their outdated panel system. The slight curvature allowed them to have the same basic layout to retrofit a more modern system without complicating things too much.
One of the Vertical Solutions prime examples of what is truly possible with the ARC wall design style; the famous “tongue” at Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville,MA.
An even more impressive ground view of the famous Brooklyn Boulders “tongue” at their Somerville,MA facility. From this angle you can see where curved ARC walls from Vertical Solutions have a distinct advantage over our competitors geometric systems.
Brooklyn Boulders Chicago location has a sharp but flowy ARC bouldering wall with multiple ridges placed throughout, something you can’t accomplish with traditional geometric panel systems.
From the bottom of a long lead route on Brooklyn Boulders’ Somerville, MA curved ARC walls, the route seems easily doable. What climbers don’t anticipate is the gradual, but challenging increase in overhang angle, which the ARC design masks so easily.
A more close up perspective on how deceiving the curvature of some ARC wall designs can be, at Brooklyn Boulders in Somerville, MA.
ARC climbing walls like the ones here at Brooklyn Boulders in Chicago, can elevate your brand from the rest when you have special lighting on custom textures for events and comps.
One of the highlights at the OG side of The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City, is the new curved ARC wall cave that hosts finals regularly for local comps. A distinct style of the ARC walls from Vertical Solutions is being able to have an optional checkerboard pattern that has a subtle change in grain alignment on the natural birch wood panels.
When you put a climbing gym in beneath a NYC high-rise building, you have to utilize the space in the most efficient way possible. Brooklyn Boulders Queensbridge is the epitome of smart space design, and still offers a ton of climbing square footage for their customers.
Basecamp, in Reno, NV has multiple ARC wall boulders that appear to grow out of the floor at their facility, much like the traditional outdoor bouldering environment, one which features a deep cave on the back side.
One of the more impressive facilities out there, you can see the whole picture of how ARC wall designs really come together at Brooklyn Boulders’ Somerville, MA facility. Of note, is “the tongue” feature unlike anything else out there.
Smart features like this mini-cave ARC wall setback, contribute to the variety of climbing square footage incorporated into Brooklyn Boulders Queensbridge.
From this perspective, you can see just how complex of a floor plan and ARC wall plan the Queensbridge location from Brooklyn Boulders had to have in order to maximize climbing area at the bottom of a NYC high-rise building.
Being beneath a NYC high-rise building didn’t stop Brooklyn Boulders and Vertical Solutions from designing rope-climbing ARC walls with substantial height.
The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City boasts the tallest indoor climbing walls in the US, and does-so with grand, sweeping ARC wall designs from Vertical Solutions.
One advantage of ARC wall designs with Vertical Solutions is being able to create intricate hardwood details like the ones seen here at The Front Climbing Club, Salt Lake City.
Designing for ARC wall construction, The Front in Salt Lake City was able to create an open and airy feeling by creating smooth and tall curved features that pushed the limits of “the norm” for climbing gyms.
Dubbed “the eye” by the Vertical Solutions design team, this picture shows the scale of how large and sunk-in it really is, with a complex roof design for climbers to overcome.
A wider overview of the whole rope-climbing layout at The Front Climbing Club, showing exactly how massively tall their walls are, and the intricate hardwood features that make this gym so distinct from anything else.
Designing from the ground up, The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City has massively tall ARC walls that take advantage of the natural light designed for the interior of the building, with tall and thin windows on the ground floor as well as in the roof-notch.
A head-on view of one of the main curved rope climbing ARC walls at The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City that is visually broken up by an overhung “ribbon” of hardwood, varying in degree of difficulty.
Climber-view looking straight up at the complex intersection of five curved ARC walls at The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City, showing how expertly all of them are curved to meet one-another and join in smooth arcs.
A view of Salt Lake City’s Front Climbing Club, that shows the complexity associated with the various overhung features on one of the main rope-climbing ARC walls.
A wide angle view of just how many routes are on the curved ARC walls at The Front Climbing Club in Salt Lake City, as well as the start and finish of the unparalleled “ribbon” overhung hardwood feature.
A wide angle view of the entire Ground Up Climbing Centre facility in Squamish, BC. ARC walls from Vertical Solutions were used throughout the entirety of construction for both bouldering and rope climbing, as well as custom stains for their Black Diamond branding.